Archive by Author

Learning Styles

Setting ADD Student Up For Success Understand ADD and ADHD students. Learn how to incorporate activities to accommodate learning style differences, short attention spans and difficulty focusing in your lesson plans. Experience movement activities to enhance focusing skills. Structure your classrooms to create an optimum learning environment for all students. Learn how to work in […]


Emotional Intelligence The crucial range of abilities that effect how we do in life namely, self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, zeal, self-motivation, empathy and social deftness – make up a different way of being smart. Learn how to nurture and strengthen these abilities that are defined as emotional intelligence. Discover the “window” of opportunity for developing […]

Gifted Education

Challenging Gifted Students In the Regular Classroom How do gifted students learn? Learn five premises that form the foundation of gifted students’ success in the regular classroom. Discover how to identify their children’s learning needs and to nurture motivated, excited learners. Use this information at home and at school.

Differentiated Learning

DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING Every student can learn. Differentiated instruction allows each student to learn what he/she needs to learn in the way that learning works best for each individual. It takes into account differences in learning styles, instructional strategies, and assessment opportunities. Empowering students to understand how they learn is crucial to their success as students. […]


Did I Say That? Understanding Communication Differences The message sent needs to match the message received before communication is successful. Learn how to send messages in the listener’s mode of learning. Discover how to identify learning styles and their impact on understanding. Set your listeners up to be successful in the communication process. Finding The […]

Brain Development

Learning to Move – Moving to Learn: Muscles, Movement and Learning Learning is not all academic. The development of the body’s physical system is crucial for learning to take place. Learn why and how movement is a key factor in the learning process. Understand the importance of crossover movement, symmetric tonic neck reflex maturity and […]

Brain Compatible Learning

The Brain Rewired: Teaching At Its Best How do students learn differently today than they did in days of yesteryear? As the culture has changed, so has the developing brain. Learn what changes have taken place and how the brain is being rewired. Understand the importance of stress management, sleep, nutrition, physical activity and active […]

Behavior Management

Perfectionism: The Need To Be Right This session focuses on the need to be right, to redo assignments until they are 100 per cent right and the consequences of fearing failure. Learn techniques and strategies to teach your students that their best is good enough. Sensitivity This session focuses on being too sensitive to other […]

Active Learning

Active Learning: Learn Actively This workshop is designed to provide structures to engage students actively in the learning process. Understanding how the brain learns is key to achieving learning success. Teaching specific “how to learn” skills, techniques and tools empowers students be in control of their own learning process. Teach students how to be attuned […]